Monday, July 25, 2005

Gettin in the groove baby

I'm back baby.

I was at the gym bright and early this morning. Feels good to start my day working out. I love this gym, I don't have to bring anything other than a change of clothes, they provide everything.

I didn't overdo it, I just walked about 2 miles on the treadmill, since I have been slacking I want to work back into it slowly and not push myself.

I had a nice quiet weekend. Jess and Andrew were gone to the mountains on a camping/fishing trip so I was all by myself. I cleaned the apartment and watched a bunch of movies. Ahh the life of a single woman, I love it. Forgot to mention that so far I have lost a total of 53 lbs!! I need to lose about another 20 and I will be much happier.

Here is to being back in the game!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go...

Doseydotes said...

Glad you're back.

Jana said...

good job!