Monday, August 22, 2005

Still on Track

I hadnt really realized how long it had been since I blogged, until Adolph yelled at me via e-mail. Yes it is possible to get yelled at in an e-mail. You all know.

So I dont want to be like Dan, and not blog. So I wanted to send an update on what has been going on.

I am still on track on my working out, I am still not pushing it as hard as I should. My life has been very consuming. All is ok on the divorce front. Ron has been very pleasant. So that part is going very well. He has even moved into his own apartment and seems to have given up on thinking he will move in with me. Apparently he is heavy into his therapy, and according to him has been seeing another specialist to deal with his recent threats to me.

So I promise to not leave my blog hanging as I have recently, and be better about posting. I will be be more detailed on what my working out entails later.

thank you friends for your patience.


Jana said...

heck, with the exception of Jane, everyone seems to be having Dan syndrome.
Nice to read your words again..

Doseydotes said...

With the stuff that's going on in your life, I admit to being a bit worried not to hear from you. Glad that you're okay.

Jana said...

Molly, where are you?????