Monday, August 01, 2005

The journey continues…

As the two friends continued on their quest, others joined them. Some blogged, some did not. The members of the rag-tag tribe were held together by those who did blog, and particularly by the two friends who had begun the journey together. They became the spiritual leaders of the quest.

One of the two leaders was sidelined. It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter when, it only matters that it happened. The tribe felt this loss profoundly.

Like Arthur, left by Merlyn; like Peter, abandoned by Jesus; nay, like Mick Jagger when Keith Richards is on a bender, no one felt Dan’s absence more than the tribe’s other leader, and the tribe itself could sense the shifting of a great burden. It adjusted its collective feet and waited, with baited breath.

When will Dan blog again?

It would not do to consider that he might never return. This hideous thought, although occasionally whispered, was never uttered aloud. To do so would be sacrilegious.

The tribe sought him out. Individually, they reached out to him, isolated, on a mountain where he had retreated with one favored tribe member for solace. He answered them only in riddles, in metaphors that meant nothing to them, and all turned away, blinking back tears, or defiantly letting them course down their cheeks.

His return will heal the tribe’s gaping wound and stem the flow of uncertainty.

Much time has passed.

Still, the question is unanswered.

When will Dan blog again?


Anonymous said...

For those of you suffering from BLOG depression

Molly said...
