Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Old Way

I would like to start posting my blog again, kind of, the way I used to. So here is my first try at it:

Goals & Accomplishments~

I have been doing more of a basketball workout at the gym, versus my regular treadmill one. Although that is still a workout, and I seem to be using muscles I don't normally use, I need to get back into the regular routing. So now that Jim has joined my gym, we are going to start working out together. What I like about that is that he is very familiar with the machines and I am not. So that will be very helpful for me. We are also going to start playing tennis on the rooftop tennis courts, I am looking forward to that since I used to love tennis and have not played in some time. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Update on the D-Vorce~

Things are running along smoothly. "R" has been doing ok, seems to leave me alone most of the time. Rarely calls me. Every once in a while he will have a "meltdown" but those are happening less often now. I feel that deep down he really still thinks that we will get back together at some time. For some strange reason he has stopped seeing his counselor, I continue to see mine, less and less though as she really feels that I am doing very well. She has been very helpful to me. He continues to try to play the kids against me, he may have been somewhat successful with our son, since I don't see Nick as often, but someday that will straighten itself out. He isn't as successful with our daughter. Probably since she and Andrew live with me, Jess is pretty aware of what is going on, and even though he tells her certain things, sometimes she tells me and we discuss. I feel that my life is getting better and better. I am only responsible for me, and I am taking all the right steps and becoming happier every day.

Poem of the day~

You were always there
A gentle voice in the breeze
A small tug at my heart
Over the years I never knew
The many places I have been
I never found you
Not quite within my reach
I was never really looking
But maybe I wasn't meant to
Not until now
You are my soul
My heart, feels complete
Full my life is now
It doesn't matter where you were
What matters is where you are

Til next time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad things are going well for you Molly! Jana