Thursday, December 08, 2005


I know I have not written in a long time. Things have been crazy.

The divorce was final on November 1oth. I am now officially Molly MacGregor.

While dickhead and I agreed that we would work through our finacial matters together, and not get the courts involved, as soon as the divorce was final he stopped doing that. So things have been very stressful for me in that area. I am upeat, I have a very positive attitude about all of this and I know that all will work out. I have a second job that I have been working evenings and weekends which I have been doing for a while. Since I work the second job about 35-40 hours a week I have not had much time to work out, so that has stopped for now. I doubt very much that I will be doing the Austin marathon, but you are all in my thoughts.

I will get back into the groove once things get a bit better with me and my time and my finances.

I will blog from time to time, and I always check in to see what everyone is up to.

Again, you are all in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

YOU are in MY thoughts, Molly. It's not easy to work two jobs and make all of these adjustments. I know everything will work out for you.

Jana said...

You have my best wishes coming your way. I am sorry that your ex is actin' a fool. It isn't surprising, but it is disappointing. Hang in there and through all this work, don't forget to take care of yourself too! Happy Holidays!

Doseydotes said...

I'm also sorry you're having to have trouble with your ex. It's the fact that they're walking a different path that makes 'em exes in the first place, so it's not always easy to figure out why they make the choices they do.

I'll miss getting to meet you if you don't make it to Austin, but I certainly understand.